Stories of bicycle travellers & free weblogs for biketravellers!
Omar Ruiz-Diaz posted an update in the group New BikeTravellers 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi from Madrid. Stay here don’t know until when. Check out my site if u wish
Omar Ruiz-Diaz joined the group New BikeTravellers 13 years, 4 months ago
nancy wrote a new blog post Embarking on a brand new adventure in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
I feel like I’m lost – I’m standing there looking at the pile of rubbish scattered around my feet and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. This home improvement learning curve is steep. Now I know what others feel like when they are just starting out on a bike tour. We finally closed on […]
anna wrote a new blog post hmmm, costa rica… in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
Well, I have tried to like Costa Rica but it’s a small country – as I’m sure I have already mentioned – and most of it is in the hands of Americans, so, the good news is that my bank card has finally arrived at the Liberia Post Office and once I back track, by bus, to pick […]
nancy wrote a new blog post My 7 links: Posts I think deserve to see the light of day again in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
I’ve been having so much fun reading through various bloggers’ 7 Links posts, I’ve had a hard time staying focused to find my own. What’s this about, you ask? It’s about digging back through your blog and finding seven buried posts that deserve to see the light of day again. So – without further ado, I present […]
hanna wrote a new blog post Sacred valley tour(ist) in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
I am finally in Cuzco, the archeological capital of the continent and a cultural heritage of the world. While cycling into the ancient civilizations of Peru I have also reached a modern infrastructure of tourism. Tourist towns are not the most charming ones, but they are very comfortable and convenient. In the narrow alleyways I find […]
hanna wrote a new blog post Tur(ist) i Perus heliga dal in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
Äntligen är jag i Cuzco, kontinentens arkeologicentrum och en av världens kulturarv. Samtidigt som jag har cyklat in i de antika civilisationernas Peru så har jag även nått en infrastruktur för nutidens turister. Turistorter kanske inte är speciellt charmiga, men de är väldigt bekväma och behändiga. I de smala gränderna med kullerstensgator finns det nämligen restauranger […]
nancy wrote a new blog post When the unreasonable makes sense in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
If I’ve learned anything from pedaling thousands of miles around the globe, it’s that sometimes the unreasonable actually makes sense. A few years ago if you had asked me if it made sense to fly back to the USA in order to pick up a bicycle wheel, my response would have been along the lines of: Do fish […]
nancy wrote a new blog post What does a world cycling dad look like? in the group On the road: 13 years, 7 months ago
Here’s what other traveling parents look like!
Edventure Project
Drew Gilbert
Almost Fearless
Travels with a Nine-Year-Old
Our travel lifestyle
Snaps and Blabs
nancy wrote a new blog post Why do some people live their dreams and others don’t? in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
How does one go about making the decision to drop out of everything that’s expected to go ride bicycles around the world? How is it possible for two middle-aged school teachers to take off for a year or four? In the end, the answer comes back to priorities. We will make time and money for the things that […]
Sergio F. Tolosa wrote a new blog post Alta Ruta Transpirenaica en mountain bike in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
Soñamos con el Pirineo desde hace meses. Bueno, en realidad, desde hace años. Ir de punta a punta, del Mediterráneo al Cantábrico, con nuestras bicis y nuestras alforjas, con el equipo de acampada a cuestas, avanzando poco a poco por una nueva ruta que nos permita ir lo más cerca posible de las cimas del Pirineo. […]
nancy wrote a new blog post Define your destination so you know when you get there in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
Depending on what you want, it may be just fine to allow the wind to blow you where it will. If you want something specific, however, you need to define your destination and know what it will look like when you get there. When my family set off from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska on our bikes, our destination was […]
nancy wrote a new blog post What we learned in three years on the road in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about our journey from Alaska to Argentina. I’ve thought about the many, many hours we spent on the road. I’ve thought about all the experiences we had, the people we met, the lessons we learned. We learned a lot on this journey of ours. We learned plenty of “school” things. […]
Carl-David Granbäck wrote a new blog post Arriving To The Caribbean Sea in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
When I set off from Medellín, I realized that my bike was starting to fall apart. My tubes easily cracked in the heat and I couldn’t find 28” tubes with thin racing valve stems in Colombia. The cassette was loose, the handlebar was loose and some attachment at the front-wheel was also loose. And the chain […]
nancy wrote a new blog post What we’ve been up to in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
hanna wrote a new blog post Into Peru, down in the dirt in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
I am on the dirt roads between Huancayo and Cuzco. They take me over passes that are mountain high and down valleys that are river deep. I can struggle up to a place where the snow is falling and rattle my way down to desert heat on the same day. The climate contrasts are amazing and […]
hanna wrote a new blog post Into Peru, down in the dirt in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
I am on the dirt roads between Huancayo and Cuzco. They take me over passes that are mountain high and down valleys that are river deep. I can struggle up to a place where the snow is falling and rattle my way down to desert heat on the same day. The climate contrasts are amazing and […]
hanna wrote a new blog post In i dammet, in i Peru in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
Jag är ute på grusvägar mellan Huancayo och Cuzco. De leder mig över höga bergspass och ner i djupa dalar. På förmiddagen kan jag kämpa mig högt upp där snön faller och på eftermiddagen kan jag skaka mig ner i ett hett ökenlandskap. Klimatkontrasterna är otroliga och det är även landskapet. Dessvärre behöver jag mest hålla […]
anna wrote a new blog post marking time in costa rica in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
I’m stuck in Costa Rica waiting for my new bank card to arrive. Sadly, it’s a small country and not one I’m particularly interested in. However, I can definitively report at this point in time that if you cook for yourself and camp it is not an expensive place to visit. A pineapple, a butternut squash, a […]
nancy wrote a new blog post How did the holocaust happen? in the group On the road: 13 years, 8 months ago
We’ve spent the past few days learning about war. It’s ugly. Horrific. Awful. Certainly not the glamorized view of war we generally see in the movies. As we drove north from Atlanta toward Connecticut, we stopped at numerous Civil War battlefields to learn about that aspect of our nation’s history. Today we spent the entire day wandering around […]
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