Stories of bicycle travellers & free weblogs for biketravellers!
innisfree wrote on the wire of the group Links:
this a great link for a wealth of cycling information, one i've gained a lot from. -
innisfree posted on the forum topic How much oil comes out after changing? in the group Rohloff Cyclists:
Mine's still quite new it's only done 2500km, the bike is made for a rohloff ex box.
innisfree wrote on the wire of the group New BikeTravellers:
Hey it's great to see the way this site's improving. Great work..
and hello everyone. -
innisfree joined the group New BikeTravellers 15 years, 1 month ago
innisfree joined the group New BikeTravellers %s
innisfree posted on the forum topic How much oil comes out after changing? in the group Rohloff Cyclists:
This is interesting as i have not come to my first oil change yet, so i will take note of it.
How is your gear cable wearing, i was wondering wether it is worth taking a spare on tour. -
innisfree wrote a new post, Activity, on the site francoisbob 15 years, 1 month ago
innisfree wrote a new blog post: Plans for 2010 %s
Much Travel is Needed Before The Raw Man is Ripened.
[…] -
innisfree wrote on the wire of the group Rohloff Cyclists:
for me the future is a rohloff
innisfree joined the group Rohloff Cyclists 15 years, 1 month ago
innisfree joined the group Rohloff Cyclists %s